Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Measurement Tip 31

When all is said and done, what is the single most important thing to measure?

As I wind down a great career helping people like you get the most from marketing events, I find the most important measure for me personally is “Did I make a difference?”  This question is also entirely relevant for you and for your program today.

As I am fond of saying, “Only action delivers ROI.  No action, no ROI.”  So the fruit of my effort can be summed up quite simply, “Did anyone do anything different as a result?"  As you can see, action and change are somewhat synonymous. I have been fortunate that many students and readers have shared with me how they changed their program and their results acting upon the suggestions I gave. I hope you have benefited as well.

And, so it is for you, your program and ultimately your career.  The true measures of success are the specific changes that result from your efforts and your program.  Include accomplishments with customers, prospects, partners, your own team and countless others. 

This is the last measurement tip. I want to thank MC2, and my friends Rob Murphy and Caroline Meyers for the opportunity to share my ideas and thoughts with you through "eConnections Digest" over the past three years.  I sincerely hope you found something to use in your plans and activities that made a difference. I wish you all the best!

Ed Jones