Friday, January 15, 2010

Justification for Sales Incentive Travel Programs

Sales incentive travel is being discussed in various social media groups. I had the chance to respond to a discussion this morning.

. . . yes, Hong Kong is a fabulous city to visit and a great incentive trip destination. It is one of my favorite places to visit. The China Club in the old Bank of China building is a great spot for business entertainment, albeit for smaller groups.

At Constellation we have had the opportunity to deliver in-depth analysis of the actual value and justification for investment in a number of sales incentive trips. We saved the BellSouth program from cancellation and even expanded it. Justification is more important than ever these days. The business value of these types of events can be proven. It requires a solid event plan and measurement strategy, but it really can be done. That also takes you off the hook for criticism of waste and frivolity by others, including the government if your received TARP money for example.

There is a case study on this on the Constellation website called "Canceled, End of Discussion" in the Solutions Center Tab of our website at:

or follow this link:

If you would like to discuss this important topic, post here or contact me through the website.


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