Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Lecture Update - Branding and Events

Subject – Course Updates “How to Create Event Communications that Attract and Sell Customers. . .”

(I am repeating this here because I believe these points have general value)

From: Ed Jones, Instructor

I hope you all are doing well.

Update and Clarification of a lecture point -

Brand, Sales and Events –

On the course evaluation a student appropriately questioned why I suggested that brand was somehow less important in sales of a product or service. He pointed out that brand is, in fact, a significant influence on sales and I completely agree. I misspoke, in an effort to emphasize a point.

My intent was to emphasize that marketing events should link directly to the sales process and require a mix of elements of all sorts, including, but not limited to brand. Brand is an essential element of content and design in all cases and is a top tier objective in most cases. In fact, on many client programs, brand building was the primary objective for certain events.

Brand guidelines should not interfere with effective event communications, but event communications should adhere to and reinforce the brand. Don't let the tail wag the dog when the objective is to directly create sales opportunity.

Information on branding and positioning were included in the final slides and your handout for just that reason. In those slides, branding is defined by Walter Landour and others and positioning is defined by Al Ries and others. These concepts are an important part of event communication strategy. You may want to do additional research independently on these topics.

I hope this course proves valuable for all of you. I heard back from several students who made immediate changes in their approach. One even called back to the office after the seminar and revised a work in progress! Good luck and call me if I can answer any questions for you.

Also, Some of you asked me or in your evaluation about how to go about setting up an on-site seminar or facilitated workshop for your extended team. If you have that need, please contact me directly., 770-391-0015.


Ed Jones

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