I picked one phrase to highlight from a recent LinkedIn "Trade Show Help" group post on simplicity of trade show messages. "Simple is Memorable."
Three clients of ours were finally convinced to de-clutter their exhibits and refine their messages into a simple, customer oriented message hierarchy. The building products client moved from over 50% of their visitors saying they "learning nothing new" to less than 20%. A large manufacturing company improved from almost 30% learning nothing new to less than 9%. Finally, a large aerospace client just had their chairman talk about the clarity of customer dialogue at a large European airshow during their second quarter earnings conference call. That is some real visibility for the exhibit manager!
Our company provides consulting on trade show measurement, research and return on investment (ROI). This data was derived from year over year, random sample exit interviews with visitors conducted by our survey team.
I list poor messaging as one of the three primary factors in low return on investment. Stated another way, effective messaging is a critical success factor in event marketing ROI.
More case studies on trade show and event ROI to be found at http://constellationcc.com